Saturday, May 18, 2019

References to Final Fantasy II

1. When you join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in their endeavours to preserve the land of Eorzea, they give you a password so that people can tell you're with them. This password is "Wild Rose", the same password the Rebel Army lead by Princess Hilda of Final Fantasy II used to acknowledge each other.

2. The Theme Song of the Hall of the Novice, among other kinds of battles, is an arrangement of the Battle Theme from Final Fantasy II. It's meant to sound more silly and light-hearted than the original version, which had a very serious vibe relating to how dark the game actually was.

Final Fantasy II Battle Theme Arrangement (FF XIV)

Final Fantasy II Battle Theme

3. Firion's Outfit from Final Fantasy II is available as a Veteran Reward. Firion is the protagonist of Final Fantasy II. An orphan which was adopted by Maria, whom he has a... very difficult to explain relationship. As the Empire attacked his home, he became determined to join the Rebels, defeat the Empire, and stop the evil Emperor Mateus of Palamecia.

4. In 1.0 the servers Kashuan and Palamecia are references to the Kingdom of Kashuan and the Palamecian Empire, ruled by Emperor Mateus of Palamecia.


Image result for Kashuan ff ii


Image result for Palamecia ff ii

5. May be coincidental. In Il Mheg, there are talking beavers. Then you remember this little gem from Final Fantasy II...

Image result for talking beavers il mheg

6. Kottos, the final boss from Copperbell Mines, is named after a giant named Kottos from Final Fantasy II. However, since I can't find an image of him, here's another image of another giant named Kottos from FF X

7. The Imperial Shadows that Karasu summons are named after the Imperial Shadow from Final Fantasy II.

8. Pandaemonium may be a reference to the dungeon Pandaemonium from Final Fantasy II. Whereas in FF XIV Pandaemonium is basically a ward to keep the most dangerous creatures made in Elpis, in II it was the Palace of Hell, raised by the Emperor Mateus of Palamecia to conquer the world.

 9. Pandaemonium rising in the Altiascope may be a reference to Pandaemonium rising to the living world in Final Fantasy II.

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