Saturday, July 20, 2019

References to Final Fantasy IV

1. If you buy the Heavensward Collector's Edition, one of the items you'll get is Cecil's Dark Knight helmet and Kain's Minion from FF IV. The letter in which these items come in also says: "May it take you to a time where four was two and two was four", a reference to the fact that Final Fantasy IV was named Final Fantasy II in american shores when it was released. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

References to Final Fantasy III

1. Cid nan Garlond's airship shares the name of one of the airships from Final Fantasy III, the Enterprise, which itself is also based on the ship Enterprise from Star Trek.

References to Final Fantasy II

1. When you join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in their endeavours to preserve the land of Eorzea, they give you a password so that people can tell you're with them. This password is "Wild Rose", the same password the Rebel Army lead by Princess Hilda of Final Fantasy II used to acknowledge each other.

Monday, April 29, 2019

References to Final Fantasy I, Dissidia: Final Fantasy & FF Origin: Stranger of Paradise

Since Dissidia and Stranger of Paradise happen in the same world as/are connected to Final Fantasy 1 I decided to mix them all together instead of giving them a page for the only few references they have.
1. The helmet and armor of the original design for the Warrior of Light can be obtained by purchasing the Collector's Edition and as loot from the Labyrinth of the Ancients respectively.

The design is based on the Yoshitaka Amano artwork for the Warrior class in Final Fantasy I. He's also the canonical representation of Final Fantasy I, as shown by Dissidia.