1. Members of the Ascians who worship Zodiark are named after the Scions of Light mentioned in the profiles of Espers in FF XII.
Since I'm a lazy ass here's a list from the FF wiki with the names of both the Scions of Darkness and the Scions of Light to prove it.
2. When fighting Nabriales in Chrysalis, he will use certain abilities that appeared first in Final Fantasy XII. His DoT attack is called Blight, same name as the one used by the Esper Cúchulainn, who was the Scion of Light that opposed Nabriales the Majestic. He also uses Dark IV, also known as Darkja, with Nabriales' Dark IV strongly resembling Zodiark's Darkja from FF XII.
3. "Minfilia" asks a certain question that's very similar to one Vaan asks to Fran, except the reception is a bit calmer than what his brought up.
4. The Bangaa, Seeq and Viera races are native to the desert kingdom of Dalmasca. Similar to FF XII, the Viera of Hydealyn hail the Golmore Jungle and tend to avoid interaction with the outside world.
Golmore Jungle (FF XII)
5. The Imperial Legatus' armors are similar in design to the Archadian Judges' armors from FF XII. Also, there's a scene in A Realm Reborn where Gaius and his Tribunus stand in a manner similar to that of the Archadian Judges in the opening of the original FF XII.
6. At the end of the 3.1 quest "As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness", Urianger is reading a book called the "Gerun Oracles". Gerun is the leader of the Occuria in FF XII.
7. The character Venat, who went against the Convocation of Fourteen's wishes and led the summoning of Hydealyn is named after Venat from FF XII, who went against the wishes of the other Occuria.
8. The Return to Ivalice raids has more than a few references to FF XII. For starters, the Royal City of Rabanastre and the Ridorana Lighthouse (a.k.a Pharos of Ridorana) are the areas where the first two alliance raids take place.
Inside the Royal City of Rabanastre, there's also an aquaduct system called the Garamsythe Waterway. A reference to the area of the same name from FF XII which was also located in Rabanastre.
Rabanastre is the birthplace of Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (also known as Ashe). Final Fantasy XIV's version of the same character from FF XII.
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (FF XII)
Rassler also appears in FF XIV, except it is as Ashe's twin brother, as the worlds of FF XII and FF XIV are not the same, and his surnames change to Rassler B'nargin Dalmasca. In the original game, Ashe and Rassler were a couple until his death, which is what drives a lot of Ashe's actions in the game.
Rassler Heios Nabradia (FF XII)
A version of Fran also appears in FF XIV, albeit a tad smaller, she looks the same as in FF XII. She leads the Lethe's Tears resistance, which references the Lente Tear item from Final Fantasy XII which you needed to get into Fran's former home, the Golmore Jungle.
Ba'Gamnan and his brothers are the initial antagonists of the Return to Ivalice raids.
The waypoints in the Rabanastre raid look like the savepoints in FF XII.
The second boss is Hashmal, the Bringer of the Order.
Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud is the first boss of the Ridorana Lighthouse raid.
Belias, the Gigas is the second boss in the Ridorana Lighthouse raid
Argath Thadalfus's Duma Lucavi design, fought as the last boss of the Rabanastre raid, is influenced by Chaos, Walker of the Wheel. Chaos in FF XII represented the Taurus Zodiac. Like Chaos, Argath is presented as a bull-like creature that wields four swords in battle.
Yiazmat is the final boss of the Ridorana Lighthouse. His appearance is similar to the 50 million HP superboss with the same name from FF XII.
Ultima, the High Seraph, the final boss of the Orbonne Monastery has a very slight resemblance to her FF XII incarnation, albeit lacking a mechanical bottom half. She also uses Redemption and Holy IV, referencing her special attacks in FF XII.
Even though it is technically a reference to another game. I feel like it is necessary to put it here as well. Vaan's outfit from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 is available as the Ivalician Shikari gear from the Ridorana Lighthouse.
Balthier's clothes can also be obtained in the raids, specifically in Orbonne Monastery. It's called the Ivalician Sky Pirate set, proper clothes for a proper leading man.
Final Fantasy XIV also has its own version of Gabranth, called Noah van Gabranth, the legatus of the IVth legion. In FF XIV he is the son of Basch van Gabranth. Basch in FF XII was Gabranth's twin brother.
9. Beq Lugg takes the form of a Mindflayer when he's the Seeker of Solitude. This references the Piscodaemon hunt in FF XII, as it was a corrupted Nu Mou.
10. The summons that Summoner can call forth have the suffix "-egi" added to them. This references the Garuda-Egi from FF XII.
11. Likewise, the last boss of the level 50 Summoner quest is Belias-Egi, which is named after (as the summon itself is just a bigger Ifrit-Egi model colored purple) the first Esper the player is liable to get in FF XII.
12. The Mandragora royals appear in one of the Hildibrand quests
13. A lot of enemies' designs are taken from FF XII for FF XIV's enemies.
P.S. These are only just a few, there's way more than these.
14. The first boss of Halatali is named Firemane, the model however is just that of a bigger Fire Sprite enemy.
15. The Qarn Facer enemies and the Adjudicator boss use the same models as the Miriam Facer and Miriam Guardian but with updated textures.
16. The Stone Vigil boss, Chudo-Yudo, reuses the model and texture of the Ring Wyrm boss, except without its iconic rings.
17. Tyrant appears as a miniboss in Pharos Sirius.
18. The Stone Vigil (Hard) boss Gorynich, reuses a model similar to that of the Fafnir mark.
19. Giruveganaus, the last boss of Stone Vigil (Hard) is based on Giruveganus.
20. The Griaule boss in Dohm Meg borrows design elements from the Elder Wyrm, as it looks like a wyrm-type enemy and has vegetation growing on him.
21. The Terminus Bellwether in Amaurot reuses the model of the Lesser Chimera from FF XII.
22. The Save the Queen storyline includes a lot of references to FF XII like Return to Ivalice before it.
First off, Adrammelech appears as a boss in Castrum Lacus Litore. Unlike his FF XII incarnation he does not use lightning attacks exclusively.
New versions of Shemhazai, Belias and Famfrit appear as powerful enemies in the Zadnor fields, employed by the 4th Imperial Legion. Since I already added images of Belias and Famfrit, I'll only post the one of Shemhazai since the other 2 remain mostly the same.
Equipment resembling the Judges' armors can be obtained by purchasing them with Gold Bozjan Coins.
The equipment of Basch von Rosemburg, Penelo and Larsa Ferrinas Solidor can be obtained with platinum coins.
The 4th Legion, the imperial force in control of Bozja and Dalmasca serves the role of the Archadian Empire in FF XII, with Noah van Gabranth as its Legatus.
Save the Queen is a weapon in a lot of FF games, FF XII included. In FF XIV, it is an artifact related to Queen Gunhildr.
Save the Queen (FF XII)
23. The Gnath beastmen are modelled after the Urutan-Yensa from FF XII.
24. You can indulge in hunts in FF XIV just like you could in FF XII, the hunt boards are in all the 3 Grand Companies.
25. Clan Centurio is the clan issuing the hunts in the Heavensward and Stormblood areas. They're named after the clan of the same name from FF XII, in FF XII it is led by Montblanc, a reccuring character in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance series.
26. The King Tomato minion alludes to the Rogue Tomato with a quote in its description: "It is apparently a rogue, outcast from its kin, a stranger in a strange land" this quote is by Tomaj. Tomaj in FF XII was the person that told Vaan to get rid of the Rogue Tomato, which was Vaan's first hunt.
Daily hunts and B Ranks that are on your hunt list will also have a King Tomato icon above them.
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