Sunday, January 24, 2021

References to Final Fantasy IX

 1. The Moogle Mail system is similar to that of the Mognet from Final Fantasy IX.

2. The Heavensward Hildibrand questline centers around a mammet named Gigi, which is modelled after Vivi. The similarities grow even more blatant the further you go into the questline as it is revealed that Gigi's actually a time master mammet created by the late Scholar Quan in order to make him younger, a plan he does not put into fruition, hiding Gigi so no one could abuse his powers before dying.

Vivi in FF IX is a little young boy belonging to a race of Black Mages that are being manufactured with Mist. Vivi has short life-span, yet his character development makes him a foil to Kuja. As the latter is afraid of dying, Vivi ends up accepting it as a part of life. Vivi was raised by the late Quan of the Qu race who planned to eat him when he grew up, but ended up not going with it because he ended up caring for the lil' boy. The stories Quan told Vivi would serve as motivation for him to go out and explore the world after his eventual death, which is why you begin controlling him in Alexandria at the start of the game.

As a side note, the Gigi minion you get after completing the questline does Vivi's signature hatholding pose that he does whenever he gets up from tripping on the floor.

Gigi (FF XIV)

Vivi (FF IX)

Quan (FF IX)

3. Ozma, the superboss from Final Fantasy IX makes an appearance in both The Weeping City of Mhach and in Eureka, you can also get him as a mount in the last one.

Ozma (FF IX)

Ozma (FF XIV)

Demi-Ozma mount (FF XIV)

4. The fact that Antitower is upside-down may reference Ipsen's Castle from FF IX.

5. The Cruise Chaser from the Alexander - The Heart of the Creator raid is both a reference to Ark from FF IX and a reference to Cruise Chaser Blassty, which is where Ark took his design from and where this boss takes it's name from. The Cruise Chaser has access to Propeller Wind and Photon, which are moves Ark uses in his boss fight, as well as his Summon attack, Eternal Darkness, in which he also summons Lapis Lazuli orbs in FF XIV referencing the jewels in FF IX, as Ark would do more damage with Eternal Darkness the more Lapis Lazuli jewels the player had.

Cruise Chaser Blassty (1986 game)

Ark (FF IX)

Ark (Airship Mode, FF IX)

Cruise Chaser (FF XIV)

Cruise Chaser (Airship Mode, FF XIV)

6. In the final phase of Alexander - The Soul of the Creator, Alexander will sprout wings, just like the Alexander from FF IX.

7. The weapons for SMN/SCH based on the Thornmarch and the crafted items made with materials from Thornmarch (Extreme) have a moogle with a quill pop out of the book when unsheathed. This is a reference to the save moogles from FF IX, as they will take a quill and a book to record your progress.

8. Zidane's outfit will be awarded to you as a veteran reward for 150 days of sub.

A member of Tantalus, a group of thieves masquerading as theater artists, Zidane is a flirtateous but well-meaning and positive guy. He set out to kidnap Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, and while his mission was a success, the chain of events that followed ended up changing him for the better. As an orphan adopted by the leader of Tantalus, Baku, his goal is to find the place he'll return to someday, his place of birth.

"You don't need a reason to help people"

9. The ship that you board in the Ivalice set of raids is called the Prima Vista, referencing Tantalus's Airship from FF IX.

10. The mermaid statue in Aleport is similar to the one that is in the Prima Vista in FF IX.

11. One of the pre-order rewards for Dawntrail is a minion of Zidane, the protagonist of Final Fantasy IX.


12. The second to last 6.0 quest is called "You're Not Alone" referencing the song with the same name from FF IX.

13. The Dawntrail Collector's edition comes with a minion of Princess Garnet and a mount based on her ultimate summon from IX, Ark.

14. In Eulmore there are a pair of unnamed jugglers that wear red and blue matching outfits, they're very reminiscent of Thorn and Zorn.

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