Saturday, January 23, 2021

References to Final Fantasy VIII

1. The card game, Triple Triad, is exactly the same Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII. In FF VIII you used the game to recieve cards that you could either keep or turn into items that could also be turned into Magic. In here it's just for fun.

The theme that plays in Triple Triad matches in FF XIV is the same one that plays when you play Triple Triad in FF VIII: Shuffle or Boogie

Shuffle or Boogie (FF VIII)

2. The Gunblades that the Garlean Empire use are named after the Gunblades from Final Fantasy VIII. However, the Garlean Empire's gunblades are actually modelled after their real life counterparts (they shoot bullets) as opposed to FF VIII's gunblades (high frequency vibration when you pull the trigger that makes the Gunblade literally cause an explosion on contact... somehow).

However, the Gunbreaker Gunblades introduced in Shadowbringers are actually exactly like Final Fantasy VIII gunblades, and you can even get Squall's starting weapon, the Revolver, as a bonus in the collector's edition.

Garlean Empire Gunblade

Gunbreaker holding his Gunblade

The Revolver (as shown in Dissidia)

The Revolver (in FF XIV)

3. Most of the Gunbreaker skillset is based on Limit Breaks from Final Fantasy VIII. Since the moveset is so vast and time consuming, I will just post a video of some of my favourite references.

Bloodfest and Aurora's casting animations are similar to Squall's Draw and Magic Casting animations respectively. In PvP, Bloodfest is even called Draw and Junction. Bloodfest is also the name of one of Seifer's Limit Breaks.

Bloodfest and Aurora (FF XIV)

Draw and Casting animations (FF VIII)

Blasting Zone and Fated Circle are both Limit Breaks from Squall in Final Fantasy VIII, two skills for GNB are named after them and have similar animations.

Squall Limit Break showcase from FF VIII

4. One of the Leatherworker Levequests added in Heavensward is called "Maybe He's A Lion", referencing the song from Final Fantasy VIII.

5. The final boss of Wanderer's Palace, the Tonbery King, is based off of the boss with the same name from FF VIII.

6. The boss Diabolos from The Lost City of Amdapor is based on the boss and GF Diabolos from FF VIII. His entrance in the opening cinematic of the boss fight resembles Diabolos' in FF VIII, emerging from an orb surrounded by bats.

7. Quetzalcoatl, the final boss of Akadaemia Anyder, is based off of the GF Quetzalcoatl from FF VIII, one of the first GFs you can get in the game. In Final Fantasy XIV his subtitle is Guardian Force as well.

8. The first sin eater, Eden, is based on the GF of the same name from FF VIII. The whole set of raids relating to him also have a lot of FF VIII references.

One of these references is in Eden's Gate: Resurrection, against Eden itself. In this fight he uses his summon ability from FF VIII, Eternal Breath, against your party. 

Side by side comparison of Eternal Breath in FF VIII and FF XIV

In Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis you fight the Fatebreaker, which references Griever. As Griever is made from Squall's impressions of strength, the Fatebreaker is made from Ryne's memories.

In Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) there are multiple references to Ultimecia, such as the boss using Hell's Judgement and Shockwave Pulsar, as well as time compression. Artemis, the true name of the ascian Mitron, also references Ultimecia, as the Spanish translation of VIII uses Artemisa as her name, which is closer to the Japanese spelling of Ultimecia.

The ending of the raids also references the ending of Final Fantasy VIII. Gaia ends up lost in an empty void, laying on the ground tired after walking for some time and then being rescued by Ryne when Gaia grabs the pendant Ryne gifted her, and being reunited in the Empty, now florishing and with flower petals flying.

This references the moment Squall is lost in compressed time, looking for a way out and then laying on the ground after trying to remember Rinoa. After he grabs one of her feathers, Rinoa senses Squall's position and is able to rescue him, making flower petals fly and the sky clear up.

Ending of FF VIII

Eden Raid Ending

All of this is capped off with several rearrangements of FF VIII songs, including Blue Fields, Ami, Force Your Way, Don't Be Afraid, The Legendary Beast and The Extreme.

Blue Fields (FF VIII)

Blue Fields (FF XIV)


Ami (FF XIV)

Force Your Way (FF VIII)

Force Your Way (FF XIV)

Don't Be Afraid (FF VIII)

Don't Be Afraid (FF XIV)

The Legendary Beast (FF VIII)

The Legendary Beast (FF XIV)

The Extreme (FF VIII)

The Extreme (FF XIV)

9. Eyes On Me is a skill used by the All-Seeing Eye in Dzamael Darkhold. The name of this ability references the main theme of FF VIII, Eyes On Me.

10. Some Ascians have access to both Double and Triple magic, these 2 spells are from FF VIII.

11. The ranged DPS LB2 is named Desperado after Laguna Loire's Limit Break from FF VIII.

12. Zell's tattoo is available in character creation in the Face Paint menu, albeit much smaller.

13. Squall's Dissidia costume is available as a veteran reward for 330 days of sub time.

Squall is a member of SeeD, a mercenary group that is tasked with different missions across the globe. He's a force to be reckoned with due to his experience with the gunblade, a hard weapon to master, and wether he likes it or not, he's also a good leader. While not very talkative outside his head, his whole way of thinking does a 180 when he meets Rinoa Heartilly, and gets thrown in quite a loop involving witches and time.

14. Alisaie's Porxie familiar has the name of Angelo, the same name as Rinoa's dog from FF VIII. When pressed on why she named her porxie that way, she will mention it was the name of a dog both her and Alphinaud had back when they were younger.

15. The Endwalker Hildibrand questline stars a little alien called PuPu. These aliens first appeared in FF VIII, asking for Elixirs.

16. The UFO mount is based on the UFOs from FF VIII that you can sometimes encounter in certain areas, presumably driven by PuPu. In fact, in XIV you don't drive the UFO, it drags you around like it does with stuff from FF VIII.

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