Monday, January 25, 2021

References to Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2

 1. When you're looking for information on Titan you find Trachtoum, a complete liar who even mispronounces Titan's name as Tidus.

2. The cycle of life, death and rebirth in Eorzea is similar to that of Spira's. When someone dies, that person returns to the aetherial realm, whose spirit energy is called the Lifestream. Primals are summoned from this energy kinda like how Summons are summoned by pyreflies in FF X.

This concept is also similar to how the world of Final Fantasy VII works, the Lifestream is how spirit energy is also called in that game.

3. Amaurot is created by Emet-Selch from the memories he had of the original city, similar to how the Fayth created the city of Dream Zanarkand. Their inhabitants, in both cases, are none the wiser of the cities' true nature.

4. Garlean machinery is usually refered as "machina", a term used in FF X to refer to machines before the Eternal Calm.

5. During the 2014 Heavensturn event, an argument between the chief Chocowhacker and the far eastern Uma Bugyo contains the following line: "As for your precious horses, they're just unicorns with a big empty forehead! Hornless! Hornless!" This references Biran and Yenke Ronso's mocking of Kimahri Ronso for his broken horn in FF X.

Can't find a picture for this reference, if you have one, please let me know on Twitter at @Nibayasan.

6. The name of the final boss room in Tam-Tara Deepcroft is Eternal Calm. The Eternal Calm is a moment of unending peace due to the death of Sin in FF X.

7. There's locations in Ahm Araeng named after Kelk Ronso and Biran Ronso from FF X and Garik Ronso from FF X-2.

8. In the First, the feline race of the Hrothgar are known as the Ronso. This is also the name of the feline race from FF X.

9. In Eden's Verse: Fulmination, you fight in the Gandof Thunder Plains, named after High Summoner Gandof and of course, resembling the Thunder Plains from FF X.

10. There's a mechanic for Forgall in the Wheeping City of Mhach in which you have to inflict yourself with Zombie status to not be killed by Forgall's Megadeath. This mechanic is essentially the same mechanic used against Yunalesca.

11. Yojimbo appears both in Kugane Castle and also in the Hildibrand Stormblood quests, using the same model from FF X. His ultimate attack, Zanmato, does more damage the more money his dog Daigoro obtains, referencing the fact that the more money you give him in FF X, the more powerful the attack that he does will be.

12. The Zodiac Relic Weapon in ARR for White Mages is the Nirvana, Yuna's best weapon in FF X.

13. There's minions based on Yuna, Rikku and Lulu.

14. Paladin's battle pose is Tidus's

15. The last boss of the Tower of Babil is Anima. Whereas in XIV Anima is the representation of the faith of the Garlean people in Zenos' father Varis, Anima in X was the Fayth of Seymour's unnamed mother. In the second phase of the fight, Anima will build up Chaos and then unleash his Overdrive from Final Fantasy X, Oblivion.

Anima's Overdrive, Oblivion from FF X

Vs Anima (FF XIV)
16. The Pelupelu tribals that will appear in Dawntrail are based on the tribe of the same name from Final Fantasy X-2

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