2. There's a ship called Tiny Bronco in the game. The Tiny Bronco is the name of Cid Highwind's plane
3. The primal King Thordan and his Knights Twelve are based on the summon Knights of the Round from Final Fantasy VII. To further the reference, the way they attack at the last phase of the fight is in the same order they attack in their summon animation in FF VII, and their last attack, Ultimate End, shatters the screen.
Since this is a really important reference for most people, I decided to record the battle with them so you can see it for yourself.
4. Nael Van Darnus from 1.0 has some similarities with the main villain from FF VII, Sephiroth. Aside from being the legatus of the VIIth Legion of the Empire, she was also the head of Project Meteor, the project that made it so Dalamud would crash onto Eorzea and purify the land, a similar plan like the one that Sephiroth sought to do in FF VII by using the Black Materia to summon Meteor.
In the 1.0 quest United We Stand, she also takes her leave in a place surrounded by fire, like Sephiroth did after destroying Nibelheim.
5. The squat emote in FF XIV is a reference to Zack Fair's squats.
6. Vauthry, one of the main villains from Shadowbringers, shares some similarities with Sephiroth in backstory and motivation. He was infused with Lightwarden essence while still in the womb of his mother to give him the ability to control sin eaters and he believes the world is his to control as a god.
This mirrors Sephiroth, as he was injected with Jenova cells while in the womb of Lucrecia Crescent, believing that because of this fact, he's Jenova's son and he believes the planet is rightfully theirs.
Also both share angelic themes, as Vauthry's boss form is angelic and Sephiroth is widely known as the "One-Winged Angel" as well as his last form, Safer Sephiroth, having many angel wings.
7. The city of Amaurot is similar to the Forgotten City, as both cities are home to beings known as the Ancients, and are both located in a coral valley environment.
8. When Emet-Selch turns into Hades, his first form's design is similar to that of Hades in FF VII
9. A sidequest in the Fringes involves a Mi'qote that believes his father abandoned him like a coward. He later learns that his father sacrificed himself protecting the village from monster whose poison turns people into stone, mirroring the relationship between Red XIII and his father Seto.
No images available yet.
10. A resort town located in Eastern La Noscea is named Costa Del Sol, the same name as the resort from FF VII.
11. The bar in Mor Dhona where the Scion's base is stationed is called the Seventh Heaven, named after Tifa's bar of the same name from FF VII.
12. The Manderville Gold Saucer is based on the Gold Saucer from FF VII, in both cases it is a place in which to play minigames to gain currency exclusive to the Gold Saucer. The Chocobo Racing, just like in FF VII, can be found in this location in FF XIV as well.
13. There's a pleasure club in Eulmore called the Beehive, whose workers refer to themselves as "honeybees". This is a reference to the Honeybee Inn from FF VII, which is also a pleasure club.
14. The Ultima Weapon is very similar in design to the Ultimate Weapon from FF VII.
15. The first boss of the Ala Mhigo dungeon, Magitek Scorpion, is based on the Guard Scorpion boss from FF VII. Hilariously, one NPC before the fight will tell you to "Attack while it's tail's up". because it makes his tail attack end faster. A rather humorous jab at the players who attacked the Guard Scorpion while it's tail was up and ended up getting counter-attacked as the second part of the message does not play if you attack the scorpion.
16. Various Limit Breaks in XIV are named after Limit Breaks from FF VII: Braver, Healing Wind, Breath of the Earth, Ungarmax, Final Heaven, Pulse of Life, Chimatsuri, Satellite Beam and Doom of the Living. Dragoon's Dragonfire Dive is also named after Cid's Limit Break from the same name.
Cloud's Buster Sword can be seen when performing Braver/Sword Dance, and Aerith's Guard Stick appears when using Pulse of Life as well.
17. The enemy Sabotender del Sol is named after Costa del Sol.
18. There's orbs that you can allocate to your weapons that give them buffs to their stats, these orbs are called Materia, and they're based on the Materia system from FF VII. Materia in FF VII gave you some buffs and debuffs while also making you learn a new skill or passive ability. In FF XIV, they just serve as a method to buff your weapon.
19. Dark Knight's Victory Pose is based on Cloud's Victory Pose.
20. The Achievement you get for beating Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) is called Veni Veni Venias, part of the lyrics of One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth's theme. Sephirot, the boss you face in said trial, was the inspiration for Sephiroth's name back when the Warring Triad in FF VI had planned names but couldn't put them in.
21. The Cait Sith Doll minion's description shows a quote saying "What may be a few to you was everything to those who died." A quote that was said by Cait Sith in FF VII. Since I don't have the minion nor have I found an image of the description in-game, here's an extract of the Cait Sith Doll minion's page from GamerEscape.
22. The japanese name of the Extreme Variant of the Second Coils of Bahamut is called the "Great Labyrinth of Bahamut Type-0" which is the japanese name of Bahamut ZERO from FF VII.
23. The Sorrow of Werlyt set of trials make you go against Ruby Weapon, Sapphire Weapon, Emerald Weapon and Diamond Weapon. All of these bosses came from Final Fantasy VII originally, with Sapphire Weapon being destroyed in a cutscene, Diamond Weapon being a story boss and Emerald and Ruby Weapon being optional superbosses.
Ruby Weapon (FF VII)
Sapphire Weapon (FF XIV)

24. The concept of the Lifestream shown in this game is taken from FF VII, where the Lifestream is the location where people who die go to whilst they wait to be reincarnated.
25. The first boss of Anamnesis Anyder, the Unknown, is based on the enemy with the same name from FF VII. As the Unknown in VII are said to be failed experiments of Professor Hojo, it can be assumed that the Unknown in XIV are concepts made by the ancient Ascians and similarly discarded.
26. Joe from FFVII makes a cameo in this game as an NPC named Joseph, a male Hyur in the Chocobo Square where the player can indulge in Chocobo Racing.
27. Teioh, which is Joe's chocobo from FF VII, is also referenced in XIV by a passing NPC in the Gold Saucer's hallway leading to the Chocobo Square that exclaims that "He'll never best that Teioh!"
28. During the 5.4 quest "The Great Ship Vylbrand", Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn tosses a firearm she calls "Death Penalty" to Kobold Primarch Za Da as a sign of trust, offering her life in exchange for the evils Limsa Lominsa did to the Kobolds.
The name of the gun is the same as Vincent Valentine's ultimate weapon from FF VII.
29. Cloud's outfit from FF VII Advent Children is available as a veteran reward for playing the game for 60 days (technically just having 60 days of sub-time).
2 years after the original FF VII, Cloud is now working as a courier for his newly opened and self-founded Strife Delivery Service while also being hevily afflicted by a disease called the Geostigma. Cloud is haunted by his past once again, as three people loom before him, looking to recover their deceased mother Jenova...
30. The SDS (Strife Delivery Service) Fenrir is a mount you can obtain in the FF XIV Online Shop for over 20 dollars, it's based on the bike by the same name from FF VII.
After opening his delivery service, Cloud needed a method of transportation. When he found the Fenrir, he offered his former owner free food and drinks in the Seventh Heaven for a lifetime. Being his favourite bike, and being heavily customized to the point it could hold his various Fusion Swords, Cloud was very attached to his bike, taking it everywhere even while being afflicted by Geostigma.
31. Cloud's hairstyle from Advent Children is awarded to the winners of the Lodestone art contests.
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