Tuesday, November 23, 2021

References to Final Fantasy XII

1. Members of the Ascians who worship Zodiark are named after the Scions of Light mentioned in the profiles of Espers in FF XII.

Since I'm a lazy ass here's a list from the FF wiki with the names of both the Scions of Darkness and the Scions of Light to prove it.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Saturday, January 23, 2021

References to Final Fantasy VIII

1. The card game, Triple Triad, is exactly the same Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII. In FF VIII you used the game to recieve cards that you could either keep or turn into items that could also be turned into Magic. In here it's just for fun.

The theme that plays in Triple Triad matches in FF XIV is the same one that plays when you play Triple Triad in FF VIII: Shuffle or Boogie

Shuffle or Boogie (FF VIII)

Friday, January 22, 2021

References to the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII

 1. Biggs, Wedge and Jessie, three engineers in Cid's company, Garlond Ironworks, are all named after the AVALANCHE members of the same name. While Biggs and Wedge are characters in many Final Fantasy games (named after characters from Star Wars) the inclusion of Jessie makes it likely they based them after their Final Fantasy VII incarnations.

Biggs (Left) and Wedge (Right)
